Angelo Asti (1847-1903)
A French painter from a family of Italian origins. Young Asti moved to America and settled in Cincinnati, when he found employment as a designer in a lithographic house. While working there he developed a talent as an illustrator. With this revelation came the desire to devote himself to more ambitious work. In 1890 he returned to Europe and settled in Paris. Instead of apprenticing himself to one of the great masters, or entering one of the schools of painting, he determined to perfect himself by himself. He daily visited the Louvre and other famous galleries and applied himself seriously, persistently, and practically to the study of painting.
Asti became renown for the beautiful women's portraits he painted in a traditional Italian style. He produced the first "pretty girl" calendar image in 1904 in the style of Art Nouveau. It was the beginning of the "Pin-Up" style calendar.
Sources include Internet library